Hellish Brownies, Fish and all things in me head and religion...

I post here and have some wonderful news to share with you. Music is a big part of my life, I forgot to add that in earlier but that isn't the big news.
Yep, that's my next project with Adam (Dynamo Matt.) We're working on some concept art and I should have a new promo sig soon. Details will be scarce for now however don't worry; they will be up sooner or later. This project follows the Tapir Game which is scheduled for a 2008 release at the moment if all goes well. More news is to come these following days. Enjoy your week as the weekend looms near.
In other news the world keeps spinning. I use MSN for all my news because I had to as my homepage for years. They aren't exactly the best but I still like them. More blah and yes! Ahaha. I'm getting Gears of War and already recieved SC:DA. Then I get Rainbow Six Vegas for free AND Call of Duty 3 at a discount. w00t! For that I have to thank my MS friend, he's also trying to hook me up with a Zune so we'll see how that goes. More yadda and blah.
All in all this has been my longest blog post to date but is a small gesture of what is to come. Now for some random facts.
Listening to: Ozzy Osborne - Diary of a Madman
Playing: Prince of Persia - Two Thrones
In Love With: Christian Bale
Last Thing Eaten: Some weird rice...
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