Easter...dear lord...
I got nothing done. I could not work. I saw a few movies. Listened to more music and I managed to read but the holidays are never very productive. I've grown into liking the Scorpions a little more than I thought I would. They're like Queen with Red Bull...or an injection of some shit. I dunno. They're good.
I've been reading four books at the same time since someone dared me to. Not too much news here though, just been watching a lot of baseball and getting my knowledge of the game up for my baseball season. :)
Reading: Lolita, The Catcher in the Rye, Heart of Darkness, To Kill a Mockingbird
Watching: HAPPY MUTHAFUCKIN FEET (I just had to...I wanted an avalanche during the part where they're all happy and singing. That would have been ace!)
Playing: GRAW 2 and MLB 2K7 with a bit of LOTRO in there somewhere
p.s. I recorded some stuff with my mic to put up here but when I went to putfile my comp froze and I lost all of it. :(
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