J Fossick's Blogtastic Page

This Fossick's blog aka Justin D.T. This is where my Creative Muse will express itself for your own personal pleasure. Use this blog as a tool and enjoy what you read. My writings, ideas, random thoughts, and mind will be expressed here. You will get a chance to understand me here. Your mom's secret pictures will be viewable here. Thanks for visiting. Be sure to leave some feedback. I'm cool and together we can make the world cool. One word at a time.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Easter...dear lord...

I got nothing done. I could not work. I saw a few movies. Listened to more music and I managed to read but the holidays are never very productive. I've grown into liking the Scorpions a little more than I thought I would. They're like Queen with Red Bull...or an injection of some shit. I dunno. They're good.
I've been reading four books at the same time since someone dared me to. Not too much news here though, just been watching a lot of baseball and getting my knowledge of the game up for my baseball season. :)

Reading: Lolita, The Catcher in the Rye, Heart of Darkness, To Kill a Mockingbird
Watching: HAPPY MUTHAFUCKIN FEET (I just had to...I wanted an avalanche during the part where they're all happy and singing. That would have been ace!)

Playing: GRAW 2 and MLB 2K7 with a bit of LOTRO in there somewhere

p.s. I recorded some stuff with my mic to put up here but when I went to putfile my comp froze and I lost all of it. :(


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