J Fossick's Blogtastic Page

This Fossick's blog aka Justin D.T. This is where my Creative Muse will express itself for your own personal pleasure. Use this blog as a tool and enjoy what you read. My writings, ideas, random thoughts, and mind will be expressed here. You will get a chance to understand me here. Your mom's secret pictures will be viewable here. Thanks for visiting. Be sure to leave some feedback. I'm cool and together we can make the world cool. One word at a time.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Who is my Bryen Haze?

Bryen Haze, as a few of you may know, is my script's protagonist. And to be completely honest, I don't have a clear picture of what he really looks like. Maybe that's because of my script being not as much about him but about his internal emotions. Something like that. In order to give myself a nice visual of how I think Bryen should look, I've found some pictures of some of my favorite actors.

Clive Owen - He's just an amazing actor. He'll do nude scenes and has the intensity and passion that I'd like for the main character in my script if I were to cast him. However, I don't know how he would look shooting a handgun, that's what kills him in the end. He's drama but he doesn't exactly let off "I can pick up a GLOCK and blow up shit." Also he's a bit too old to be my Bryen.

Christian Bale - Boy do I love him. He is probably my favorite actor or at least in my top five for sure. He can do anything. He can play a superhero(Batman Begins), be a crazed killer (American Psycho) and a stoic and disgraced man (The Machinist.) He is known for molding into his characters. That's the kind of actor I need for my Bryen. Someone who can cry and be the person they are reading about. Not many actors will do this, especially actors who have had such great success as Christian Bale. We also know that Bale can handle himself in a fight and with a weapon so I don't have to worry about that. He has a fair face and a good physique for anything. A very popular choice.

Viggo Mortensen - Another actor I really respect. Does well in all of his films, isn't that big of a name which doesn't imply a hefty pay check and is just an actor who gives you a good performance in all of his roles. He's played Aragorn in LOTR so he can handle himself with fighting. He was also in A History of Violence (one of my inspirations) so he can use a weapon and still look really badass using it. He's not afraid of sex scenes as far as I know so this opens up more creativity and options to work with, not that I'm perverted or anything I just like actors to have flexibility. He's about the right age for Bryen. He can really do everything I would ask of an actor in this role. A nice choice.

Johnny Depp - A far cry but nonetheless an interesting choice. He always adds a piece of himself into his characters and puts a great effort into every one of his roles. Famous for being a nasty Pirate, and well liked by women and men alike, he would be a good choice not only for his fan base but his ability to dish out a worthy performance. He's not exactly my top choice and I wouldn't pick him if I had the options of the others listed above, but I wouldn't mind having him on board if he was available. Great range, amazing versatility and humble. Money shouldn't be a huge problem with him. Also he has a daughter so I could probably squeeze out more emotion from him by telling him to think of Bryen's daughter as his own. Hmm...

Tim Roth - Ah, a fairly new addition. Why? Because he was awesome in Reservoir Dogs, which by the way, is another one of my inspirations. His line in Reservoir Dogs which I won't post here since it has cursing (lol) sold me. His work on the film The War Zone which addresses incest and pedophilia really took the cake. He can act, direct and would understand my script and how I feel about the subject matter. He has a great face for it and is just old enough. I like him...and he's English!

Notable mentions: Timothy Olyphant - versatility. good actor
Sean Penn - Incredible
Brad Pitt - My sister likes him...
Leonardo DiCaprio - He should be up there...
Daniel Craig - He could definitely pull it off...mmm...Daniel...just a cool name

Anyways, leave a comment...who do you like more? Or whatever...

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Free stuff...yhey!

I just ordered a Con Nair grooming kit. Tis the shiznat!

That is all.

Saturday, April 14, 2007


Another blog that I use. Check it out for more ranting. I'll eventually put it over here but for now go over there.

ITSA NICE!!! /Borat

Friday, April 13, 2007

Steady Girl!

LOTRO. I love it. But I like writing too. And reading. The Catcher in the Rye is ace. So is Lolita. I am overwhelmed by the brilliance in this world and stymied by the fact that we do not have as many geniuses and innovators in a world full of conformists biatches. But there I go again. This is supposed to be peaceful. :P

Then there's baseball and my fantasy team. My team isn't doing too great after week 1 but it's track record is still awesome so...we'll just have to wait and see. Hopefully I can pick it up since I loathe defeat. EEK EEK.

I just have some much excitement now. My book is coming along great, my fantasy team is beginning to shape up, I am enjoying Lord of the Rings online, my gamerscore is increasing at a steady pace, my reading is well and I've been eating so much cottage cheese! I do add pineapple...so it's not only for old people!

Anyways, I miss some people. *coughs* Yeah...

I was going to put my fantasy team here...and then a poem...but I'm too bored.

Listening to: Audioslave (my WMP shuffle loves them..)
Reading: Lolita
Playing: LOTRO
Watching: Mets baseball
Eating: Cereal..

Monday, April 09, 2007

Easter...dear lord...

I got nothing done. I could not work. I saw a few movies. Listened to more music and I managed to read but the holidays are never very productive. I've grown into liking the Scorpions a little more than I thought I would. They're like Queen with Red Bull...or an injection of some shit. I dunno. They're good.
I've been reading four books at the same time since someone dared me to. Not too much news here though, just been watching a lot of baseball and getting my knowledge of the game up for my baseball season. :)

Reading: Lolita, The Catcher in the Rye, Heart of Darkness, To Kill a Mockingbird
Watching: HAPPY MUTHAFUCKIN FEET (I just had to...I wanted an avalanche during the part where they're all happy and singing. That would have been ace!)

Playing: GRAW 2 and MLB 2K7 with a bit of LOTRO in there somewhere

p.s. I recorded some stuff with my mic to put up here but when I went to putfile my comp froze and I lost all of it. :(