J Fossick's Blogtastic Page

This Fossick's blog aka Justin D.T. This is where my Creative Muse will express itself for your own personal pleasure. Use this blog as a tool and enjoy what you read. My writings, ideas, random thoughts, and mind will be expressed here. You will get a chance to understand me here. Your mom's secret pictures will be viewable here. Thanks for visiting. Be sure to leave some feedback. I'm cool and together we can make the world cool. One word at a time.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Got my blogcast mic

Yhey! Just recorded a few snippets to get the Microphone broken in and what not. I'll try to get a show in by tomorrow but by the time I'm done with practice it might be too late. I'm pretty excited about this and will work on my vocal range, delivery and annunciation just in case my deep voice can't be heard by all. So yeah...stick around in you're interested...which is all of...1 person... *emo*

So yeah...

Listening to: Classical Music/Opera/Chorus
Reading: Some blogs
Happy about: My new purdy silver Logitech Desktop Microphone
Getting ready for: My 360 so I can get back into the game.
Reading: My latest magazine and stuff on Atlantis (SCRIPT IDEA?!??!)


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