J Fossick's Blogtastic Page

This Fossick's blog aka Justin D.T. This is where my Creative Muse will express itself for your own personal pleasure. Use this blog as a tool and enjoy what you read. My writings, ideas, random thoughts, and mind will be expressed here. You will get a chance to understand me here. Your mom's secret pictures will be viewable here. Thanks for visiting. Be sure to leave some feedback. I'm cool and together we can make the world cool. One word at a time.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

No audience?

I really am going to get this Blogcast stuff off of the ground as soon as DHL delivers the Logitech Microphone I bought off eBay. I already have a few guest stars lined up and some of my witty, cynical and dark logic in the pipes for some satirical content. So enough of that until I get the damn thing and give Audacity a little workout.

The Red Sox continue to get better - at least on paper. We signed Daisuke Matsuzaka (D_Mat) and we'll be looking into some more relievers soon. I feel good about this team and we should give the Yankees a real run for their money.
In basketball my fantasy team is the SHIZNIT. The whole team is legit. I just happen to be a really sexy GM. I've made a few moves, kept up with the news, rumors and experts. So far we don't have a great record but we will as I get into transition and assess the players on the team which have taken a few different turns after the initial draft way back when.

I've got a few more peeps who should be checking in on this soon enough so...maybe I'll have some comments but for some reason I still have the right to moderate them or something. So yeha...Should be going to the movies this week, might pull off a PA vacation which would involve a lot of writing and sleepless hours of deep though, connection with my unearthly entity as well as intricate plans to get rich quick and finally do some sweet things...

Reading: My newest OXM magazine Issue 66
Playing: The New OXM disc with Viva Pinata, Lost Planet and more.
Listening to: Creed (Come on guys...)
Watching: Basketball

On a sad note, Peter Boyle died. The Emmy award winning actor died at age 78. His most notable role was playing Ray Romano's father on "Everybody Loves Raymond." He was a good guy and I'm sure he will be missed dearly. Rest in peace.


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