J Fossick's Blogtastic Page

This Fossick's blog aka Justin D.T. This is where my Creative Muse will express itself for your own personal pleasure. Use this blog as a tool and enjoy what you read. My writings, ideas, random thoughts, and mind will be expressed here. You will get a chance to understand me here. Your mom's secret pictures will be viewable here. Thanks for visiting. Be sure to leave some feedback. I'm cool and together we can make the world cool. One word at a time.

Friday, December 01, 2006


After watching Hotel Rwanda, my life has changed. This is no joke. The movie was probably one of the best I've ever seen and when it comes to movies, I have watched excellent ones. This movie is heartfelt, powerful, somber, and most of all...real. The performances were excellent for a movie that required so much emotion and details a story of struggle, pain and sorrow. One cannot watch this movie and not feel different about the world and the vile beings that encompass it. Sad truths exist and we are so blind to them. What will follow is a small observation of mine. However, before I go into that, you must take the time to sit down and watch this movie. You must. As a human being you should be required to watch this film.

How has man stooped to this kind of low? How can we ignore fellow human beings in such a manner that makes even the KKK look like saints? Powerful films like Hotel Rwanda should be mandatory viewing. To know that such a thing happened and still exists around the world is enough to make you cry and want to help. But no help ever comes. We are hypocrites on an earth that is slowly killing itself. Whether we use of the Earth's resources or the heavenly father finally comes and takes us away, we are killing what should have been pure.

How can such things occur? Has man fallen so low that we cannot tell a human from a human? We cannot look another in the eye and feel their pain? Are we so blinded by greed, power and evil that we turn from our brothers? I am no bleeding heart but I am however, a living, breathing and thinking person. I am a human being. Yes, this is in the past now but still. Why wasn't anything done? Why is the UN even around? To keep the peace? What the fuck does that mean? How can you keep peace when there was never a peace? To create a peace you need violence. You need to make peace. I am not contradicting myself but stating a point. The United Nations is a joke. They offer little to no help to nations in need, or in wars.

Man has simply rested in shit. We eat it for breakfast. We drive our fancy cars while the rest of the world suffers. But it's not our problem so why should we care?

Nope. It's never OUR problem. We're selfish. We want. We covet. But we have no kindness, no compassion for everyone else. But go on. Ask for your plastic surgery. Eat your meals. I can't stop you.

Let the heavens and the hells come now. Man deserves a mercy killing. NOW.


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